Viasys AVEA Ventilator



Performance without compromise

The AVEA ventilator system is a versatile critical care ventilator that features both invasive and non-invasive applications meeting the needs of all neonatal, pediatric, and adult patients.

  • BiCore™ technology integrated into the AVEA ventilator features work of breathing guided ventilator weaning and transpulmonary pressure guidance to allow optimized PEEP titration.
  • Volume-based capnography with Advanced CO2 measurements.
  • Precision gas delivery system that supplies accurate tidal volumes from 2 mL to 2.5 L that automatically compensates for Heliox gas delivery.
  • On-board compressor that is capable of operating the ventilator for up to two hours on optional internal battery.
  • Tracheal, Esophageal and Transpulmonary pressure monitoring.
  • Automated MIP/NIF, AutoPEEP and Slow Flow maneuvers.
  • Programmable oxygen increase.
  • Artificial airway and leak compensation.
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